Open Day - 30 years of FARMAK, a.s.
22. 09. 2022
September this year is an important month for us, as we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the company's founding. We did not just let this anniversary go unnoticed but shared it with you, our employees, business partners and the public.
On Friday, September 9, 2022, we held a press conference with the participation of nine journalists and two photographers. The initial reminiscence of the key milestones across our thirty years in business was followed by a question and answer session. And that there were many! The conference was moderated by Mr Tomáš Gottwald, the Radio Haná moderator.
After the press conference, we welcomed the invited business partners and representatives of the state administration. We prepared a tour of the research and development department, production areas and quality control laboratories for our guests, who arrived at a total of 46. Of course, there were informal discussions both during and after the tour.
We wanted to prepare a special thank you to our current and former employees, who have made key contributions to the success of our company. On Saturday, September 10, 2022, we organized an Open Day for family members of our employees as well as for former employees. Especially for retirees, it was a welcome opportunity to see how the places where they used to work have changed over the years. All in all, we made a guided tour for 257 visitors in 15 groups. A side event programme was prepared for the visitors together with the Radio Haná and the moderator Martina Kvítko Procházková. offered attractive services such as blood pressure measurement, sugar measurement and dermatology consulting. Children were also involved, they could enjoy many fun day events such as go-karts, face painting, a balloon clown, a children's workshop and an extra large trampoline. The team of FARMAK-GASTRO s.r.o. prepared tasty refreshments – there was a choice of goulash, schnitzels and hot dogs. The drink offer included draught beer and Kofola soft drinks. In the end, each visitor received a small present.
We are happy to say that the celebration of the round jubilee of FARMAK, a.s. was a great success and we are already looking forward to the next meeting.