Environment Protection and Labour Safety
Environmental profile
Protecting the environment, improving safe working conditions, and preventing pollution are continuously among the company's top priorities.
Every year, the Company publishes an Environmental Impact Report, through which it informs the public of its approach and achievements in the area of health, safety, and environmental protection. These reports use quantified indicators to monitor the Company's impact on all parts of the environment and document developments in individual years.
The basic principles of corporate behaviour in the environmental field and in the area of accident prevention are set out in the Integrated Policy of Quality, Environment, and Prevention of Major Accidents and especially in the Company’s commitment to being in compliance with the relevant legislation.

FARMAK, a.s.has implemented an integrated quality and environmental management system according to the ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards, which was certified in 2006. The system is also integrated with the quality management system in the pharmaceutical industry (Good Manufacturing Practice), as well as with the major accident prevention system.
Responsible Care

As early as 1997, the Board of Directors discussed and agreed to the codes of the Responsible Care programme. The Company's statutory representative signed a statement of respect for the principles of this programme.
In 1999, the Company was first granted the right to use the RC logo and in 2024 it successfully defended the right to use the Responsible Care logo for the ninth time. Within this programme, a Responsible Care Report in which an overview of the basic indicators monitored in the programme is issued annually
Sustainable Development Award of the Association of the Chemical Industry
In 2017, we received the Sustainable Development Award of the Association of the Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic.
This award is granted by the Board of the Association of the Chemical Industry to the member organizations of the Association which contribute to environmental protection, occupational safety, and health protection, contribute to the development of the region, and meet the criteria given by the Responsible Care programme.

The company provides occupational health and safety, fire safety, and external protection as an integral part of its business.
The basis is accident prevention, fire prevention, and the prevention of emergency events. The accident rate has long been below the national average. The company purchases resources and organizes human resources to respond quickly to adverse events such as fires or accidents.
The employees regularly practise activities for implementation in the event of emergency situations arising and maintain their expertise at a high level.