Evening with Czech chemistry

26. 07. 2019

On 20.09.2018 an expert conference was held under the auspices of the Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic focusing on realized projects and the traditional Evening with Czech Chemistry as well.

The morning and afternoon program was dedicated to a conference focusing on the following topics:
Sectoral Agreement for Chemistry - Social Dialogue to Promote Employment.
Employment of the young generation in the chemical industry as a common goal of the social partners.

The Evening with Czech chemistry itself took place in the premises of the Ecomuseum in Prague - Bubeneč (Old Waste Water Treatment Plant 1906).

The evening was attended by a total of 218 guests: representatives of member organizations, partners and media partners of the Association, but above all important guests - representatives of the state administration and the legislature. Among the important guests who attended the evening were, for example, the Minister of Industry and Trade M. Nováková, the Minister of the Environment R. Brabec, the Ambassador of the USA St. King and MEP P. Poc.

The present guests were welcomed by the President of the Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic Ing. Petr Cingr. After the speeches of the guests and partners of the evening, the Evening went to the second part of the official program, where Responsible Care certificates were handed over and personalities of Czech chemistry were awarded.

This year, Ing. Petr Choulík Josef Pasek, Ing. Pavel Švarc and Ing. Jiří Žák ranked among the awarded. Ing. Jiří Žák, who was awarded by the Ambassador of the USA St. King, thanked in a short speech and evaluated his lifetime work in this field.

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